This folder contains: 1 metadata directory - "FDGC_Metadata_ISR" 16 FDGC Metadata Parser compliant metadata in .xml format. 1 ArcGIS File Geodatabases (v. 10.1 sp 1) "ISR_12_5_REC_Data_URS.gdb" "ISR_12_5_REC_Data_URS.gdb" contains 2 tables "ISR_12_5_REC_AnglerDayAvg" Sum of angling days (2003 - 2012) for ADFG location codes. "ISR_12_5_REC_AnglerDayEst" Average of angling days for ADFG location code. 2 rasters "ISR_12_5_REC_NonResHunting" A pixel value represents the average number of days that non-resident recreaters spend hunting. "ISR_12_5_REC_ResHunting" A pixel value represents the average number of days that residents, non-residents, and those of unknown residency spend hunting. 12 feature classes "ISR_12_5_REC_17bSiteEasements" Approximate location of site easements relating to recreation on lands within the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. "ISR_12_5_REC_Access" A geographical point where the public enters the study area for recreational purposes. "ISR_12_5_REC_AnglingSites" ADFG extracted angling data according to locations within the Recreation Use Study Area. "ISR_12_5_REC_Cabins" Inventory of lodges within the Study Area. "ISR_12_5_REC_DispRec" Overnight dispersed recreation sites (unofficial camping sites) along the Denali Highway. "ISR_12_5_REC_DispRecTallies" This dataset displays the count of dispersed creation sites identified by field workers along the Denali Highway. "ISR_12_5_REC_ExistingIntertie" Displays the intertie in the west portion of the Study Area using the most accurate data that is available currently. "ISR_12_5_REC_Facilities" Recreation facilities including campgrounds, trailheads, boat launches, and day use areas. "ISR_12_5_REC_InterceptPts" Location of in-person intercepts to gather recreation use data. "ISR_12_5_REC_RS2477" Legally designated Revised Statute 2477 rights-of-way in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area. "ISR_12_5_REC_SummerTrails" Recreation trails for use with the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Recreation and Aesthetics studies. "ISR_12_5_REC_WinterTrails" Winter recreation trails (groomed trails) and routes.